What would my life look like?

A very dear friend of mine gave me a gift several years ago and it has been sitting on the shelf collecting dust for some time but this morning it caught my attention again.  I appreciated the gift when it was given to me but like I tend to do with so many things, I put it over “there” until I could make some more time to really appreciate it. The gift was called “bliss in a box”  created by Susan Piver.  In the box there are tools to help you achieve bliss.  Two CD’s, a small booklet, and some flash cards.  The cards in the box are broken down into categories of welcome, preparation, contemplations and vinyasa flow.  As I looked over the contents of the box, one card in particular caught my attention and since I don’t believe in coincidences I am positive the Angels gave me a gentle nudge this morning.   The question is:  “What would my life look and feel like if I were able to live from my deepest self?  Describe it in detail.”

Very quickly I tried to come up with the answer so I could rush to my desk and start working, but the card said from my deepest self, so I reclined into peddlers pose (Supta Baddha Konasana), settled my mind again, closed my eyes until the vision became clear.  From my deepest self I would live a life of simplicity, not having to worry about bills or the next contract or money.  I would walk out on to my very small veranda (just big enough for my yoga mat and perhaps a small table with two chairs to enjoy my tea) while I look out through the beautiful majestic trees surrounding me and listen to the sound of the ocean.  I would go through my Sun Salutations each morning, take long walks along the beach, tend to my organic garden, while contemplating some new recipe.  I would meditate and nurture my true spirit.  My life would be quiet and serene, filled with soft music and beauty void of aches and pains, surrounded by the people who I have attached to my heart.  What would it feel like?  It would feel like “bliss”.  On my journey to zen, I promise to come here much more often until it becomes my life.

What would your life look like from your deepest self? How would it feel?  Close your eyes and see it in detail.



Yogini KP