Age and Balance

Lord of the dance poseHello Beautiful Souls,  today during my morning practice, I made a mental note that my balance was off.  During the short meditation that followed I had a chance to ponder where I am in my life and what is in and out of balance.  I noticed that as I have aged, my physical balance has decided that it no longer wants to be taken for granted.  It will show up when it wants, just to say hello and remind me that while I’m no longer 20 my balance is still in there hiding.  There are days when I am steady and strong in my poses and there are days like today where props were not only needed but required.  So how do I fix that??  ahhh yes practice.

Let’s see there’s quite a few asanas (poses) that could help convince my balance that I am no longer taking it for granted, that I am paying attention.  There’s Virabhadrasana  III, Chaturanga Dandasana, Bakasana, Ardha Chandrasana and who could forget Garudasana (or what I fondly refer to as my I’m a pretzel pose) just to name a few.  Age is just a number, so practice I will, practice I must.

My time on the mat this morning also left me reflecting on the non-physical things that are out of balance in my life.  My diet is out of balance, my thought process is out of balance, my schedule is out of balance and even some of my relationships are out of balance.  So how do I fix it?  What came to mind is something that I learned while becoming an instructor.   A simple quote by Ashtanga Yoga  Guru Pattabhi Joi which says “Practice and all is coming”.  I want to thank my brain for allowing that one quote to show up this morning right when I needed to hear it most.


Yogini Kp