Appreciated Feels Good

AppreciatedToday is my Birthday and even though I intended to stay in bed much later than usual, perhaps veg out with Turner Classic Movies it hasn’t quite turned out that way.  I woke up at my usual time of 6:30ish and got up to let the cat out.  Instead of going back to bed, I fixed myself a cup of ginger tea and gave thought to what I wanted to do with this day.  I was excited and found myself overly energetic for some reason. I decided to venture out early this morning and go to the grocery store to grab a few things I had forgotten, pick up the cat’s food and grab some good old 7-11 Brazilian Coffee.  It was so early the pet store wasn’t even open but the manager let me in to shop anyway.  While shopping, my phone started to buzz, ring, vibrate and bong relentlessly with happy birthday greetings and text messages from all over the place.  I returned home to find several more messages left on my house phone and even my Facebook wall was full of greetings from well wishers.  The cards that had arrived during the week were sitting on the coffee table waiting to be opened but I’ve decided that I will wait to enjoy them a little later in front of the fireplace with a glass of red wine (yum), and my full undivided attention.

I returned home after shopping, cleaned out the fridge, cooked breakfast and dinner at the same time, dismantled my bathroom for renovation tomorrow and managed to pop in to write this blog.  As I went about my journey today, I had a chance to take a look at my life and all the many blessings it has held. I took time to reflect on the miracle of  just waking up this morning and on my Mom and what she might have been feeling the first time she looked into my little face decades ago. As a daughter have I been everything she hoped for that day? I thought about my brothers and sisters, my extended family, friends that have lasted a lifetime and people that I’ve never even met in person all with me on their minds today.  I am so fortunate that I have so many loving people in my life.  People who just plain old love me and appreciate me on so many different levels.  The next time I start doubting the number of lives I’ve touched, I will reflect back on this day, my birthday and I will remember that I am appreciated, I am loved, I am wonderfully made in the image of God.  It feels so good, so incredibly good to know not only is someone thinking of me on this special day but that so many decided to say so.   Appreciated feels incredible.  I love you all.


Yogini KP